
Announcement. A new release compilation of old and new mastered tracks by Mark Turns titled “Around The Block” and “Just Diggin’ It” are both available on iTunes.

The following 5 spoken-word titles are good picks: Harmony & Truth, A Cake Made From Scratch, Bitter & Sweet, Old-School Spoken-Word Of Mark Turns Volume 2 -AND- Old-School Spoken-Word & Songs Of Mark Turns Volume 3.  Available on iTunes, YouTube Music, Spotify, Shazam, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Tidal and many more.

The following CDS and EPS by Mark Turns are also available on iTunes, YouTube Music, Spotify, Shazam, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Tidal and many more. For the latest releases see the single titled “I Realize This (Next Door Version)” Also see numbers 31, 32, 33 and 34 below:

1). MGT Sounds Of Funktown.

2). Bitter & Sweet. (Music spoken-word love story. Full-length CD)

3). Freedom! Will It Include Me & My People? (A Black-History Acknowledgment)

4). Soul & Daylight.

5). Children’s Songs Volume 1.

6). Harmony & Truth. (Spoken-Word & Songs)

7). It Is What It Is.

8). Songs & A Poem. (Reggae Singles)

9). A Cake Made From Scratch. (Spoken-Word)

10). Old-School Spoken-Word & Songs Of Mark Turns Volume 1.

11). On The Wall.

12). Comin’ Through.

13). Scent Of Graffiti.

14). Stop Spraying Cologne And Perfume On Odor & Funk. (Audiobook)

15). Old-School Spoken-Word Of Mark Turns, Volume 2.

16). Draw It Plain. 

17). Children’s Songs Volume 2.

18). There It Is.

19). Make It Strong.

20). Emotion.

21). Peace Of Mind.

22). Say It.

23). Meaningful Love.

24). The Beat Is My Heart.

25). Old-School Spoken-Word & Songs Of Mark Turns, Volume 3.

26). Children’s Songs Volume 3.

27). Old-School Spoken-Word And Song Of Mark Turns, Volume 4.

28). It’s Happening.

29). Storm Start Something.

30). To The Point.

31). Kiss The Cloud (Gimmie Some Sugar) (This EP includes the track titled “This Is What Love Is.”)  Also see #32, #33 and #34.**

32). Marks 2021 Summer Remix.  Also see #31, #33 and #34.**

33). Just Diggin’ It. Also see #31, #32 and #33.**

34). Around The Block.  Also see #31, #32, #33, #35 and #36.

35). Stones And Steps.

36). A Talk Over Lunch. **Also see #31, #32, #33, #35, #37 and #38.

37).  Mark’s 2023 Remix Session.

38). You’re So Good For Me. **Latest release. Also see #31, #32, #33, #35, #36, 37 and #39***

39). As It Is.  Also see #31, #32, #33, #35, #36, #37, #38 and #40.***

40). Another Spin.  Also see #31, #32, #33, #35, #36, #37, #38, #39,  #41 and #42.***

41). 3 Counts.  Also see #31, #32, #33, #35, #36, #37, #38 and #40.***

42). In Reverse.  Also see #31, #32, #33, #35, #36, #37, #38, #39, #40, #41 and #43.***

43). Goin’ On.  Also see #31, #32, #33, #35, #36, #37, #38, #39, #40, #41, #44 and #42.***

44). Is It Wicked? Also see #31, #32, #33, #35, #36, #37, #38, #39, #40, #41, #42, #43, #45, #46, #47, #48  and #49***

45). 3 Counts.

46). A Few More.

47). How Much Do I Love You?

48). Crazy Little Remix.

49). Resurrection Remix 2025.

The following 43 singles:

Kissin’ Thing (Next Afternoon Version); Getting To The Roots And To The Seeds (Next Door Version); Raindrops And Sunshine (Next Door Version); You Really Need To Check Yourself (After Midnight Version); It Won’t Survive (Next Afternoon Version); Do You Love Me, Baby?; Hot South (Next Afternoon Version); I Forgot What You Said Last Night; Our Love Poetry Files; Seeing You (Next Door Version); Truly And Always A Lady (Remix); Don’t Be Lookin’ At You All Crazy Nor Talkin’ To You All Crazy.; Deep Hypocrisy (Skin-Color Included); A Steamy Poem; A Steamy Poem (Long-Version); I Realize This (Next Door Version); You Caught Me Lookin’ At Ya’ (Short Version); The Progress, The Movement And The Happening; It’s Your Lady; Inside And Outside Lanes; Open Your Eyes -(Harmony Mix); Christ As The Main Reason (Christmas single);  Love Is Blessed (Single Version); The Doors Open & Close The Certain & The Uncertain (Remix); Ultimatum Is Now, Not Later (Remix); Stop Listening To The Radio; Cucumbers; Vampire Kisses; You And Me Belong Together (Reggae Version); She Makes Me Wanna’ Do That (Old-School Mix);  Cuttin’ Up; Start The Time; No Speed Slippin; Suspended License (The Single); Can You Hear Me Though The Noise?;  Voices Unheard; Theme Song To Poetry Reign; Kissin’ Thing (Reggae-Version); Gentle Hand & A Gentle Word; If I Lit A Candle; Truly And Always A Lady (Reggae-Remix); I Just Need To Ask Ya’ -AND- Mama Got Some Thickness Goin’ On are all available on iTunes, Spotify,  Shazam, Apple Music, Tidal and and many more. And also through this link: .

***Click directly on this link to get the free SongCast Radio app:  

Download the free mobile apps for Songcast Radio, Tune In, Shoutcast Radio and many more in the App Store and in Google Play. The following 23 songs and spoken-word by Mark Turns are now playing on SongCast Radio, Tune In,  iTunes Radio and Shoutcast Radio under the Pop and Special-Interest genres:

1). Frustrated And Struggling (Remastered Version)

2). Deep Colors Flow 

3). Something Is Really Wrong. 

4).  Very Beautiful Eyes (Next Door Version)

5). Deep Hypocrisy (Skin-Color Included)

6). The Walls R Tired Of Whispering & Keeping Secrets.

7). Then And Now (Revisited Version)

8). She Doesn’t Need The Tears. 

9). A Clearer Picture. 

10). Having You Here. 

11).  I Don’t Understand What Your Man Be Thinkin ‘ (Harmony Mix)

12). Our Love Poetry Files. 

13).  Don’t Judge Him. 

14). A Cake Made From Scratch (Radio Version

15).   I Know Whatcha Did Last Night (Next Afternoon Version)

16).  A Steamy Poem (Sunset Version)

17). My Kiss Really And Truly Means Something (Next Afternoon Version)

18). It’s Gonna Rain Today But The Sun Will Always Be There (Magic Pencil Version)

19). This Is What Love Is (Next Door Version)

20). Telling You That I’m Sorry (Next Door Version)

21). You Really Need To Check Yourself (After Midnight Version)

22). Kiss The Cloud (Gimmie Some Sugar) Remix.

23). Even More Deeper. 

**NOTE** There are 3 versions of “Real Love Is Blessed.” There’s the spoken-word version available on the “Harmony & Truth” CD. There’s the album version available on the “Make It Strong” CD. And there’s the single version. There’s also 2 remix versions of  “I Don’t Understand What Your Man Be Thinkin (Remix)” The MGT Sounds Of Funktown album version and also the “Marks 2021 Summer Remix” album version. 

The War On Poverty?


****These are the issues concerning why many people are in poverty or may end-up in poverty.****

Check out the 2 links below on this page: “Say What??”-and-” Subconscious Alcohol.” When people speak of sophisticated electronics, computer software, etc. being used to enslave people, it’s already being done and has been done without using any of the above-mentioned electronics or software. It doesn’t take 4 walls and bars to make a prison.

It has been very recently reported in the news that college athletes are wanting to unionize college sports. My thought on this process is if the college athletes are going to be allowed to unionize college sports then all of the non-athletic students that attend college should be able to unionize and have their college tuition and college debts reduced to zero. It’s only fair. Why should any college athlete and athletic coach receive a free education along with potentially collecting huge checks while other students who attend that same college/university struggle to pay student-loan debt? Think about it. The college athlete would receive a full-scholarship AND get paid while the non-athletic student may have to rely on student-loans that they’ll more than likely, have to pay back. The college athlete will also have a free college education to fall-back on if he/she doesn’t go on to play pro-sports while the non-athletic student will have to struggle to find decent employment AND pay back student-loan debt. Society doesn’t have any issues with athletes and coaches making millions of dollars per year along with supporting them but, they have issues with workers whom are willing to work earning a living wage. Something is wrong with that picture. The following applies to the past, present and to the future. As long as mankind believes that they can have their cake and eat it too, mankind will always be their own worst enemy and the destruction of their own society.

MORE LINKS (Say What??) (Subconscious Alcohol)